Facts on Prostatectomy

In men only is the prostate gland to be found. It encircles the urethra and rests beneath the bladder. In the prostate, semen is produced. The prostate gland is surgically removed during a prostatectomy. Seminal vesicles, surrounding tissues, and occasionally pelvic lymph nodes are also removed during the treatment. Visit us to know more: Dr. Waheed Zaman Director, urology and renal transplantation Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi Visit our website: https://www.drwaheedzaman.com/ Call to book an appointment: +91 8860444888 +91 8130747918 +91 8178827979 #DrWaheedZaman #urology #urologist #urologydoctor #urologytreatment #UrologicalHealth #prostatecancer #ProstateCancerTreatment #prostatecancerawareness #prostatecancersurvivor #prostatectomy #roboticprostatectomy #maxhospital #shalimarbagh #delhi #besttreatment #Pitampura #northdelhi #newdelhi